The year is 2015, and big brother is everywhere. The search for immortality is over. Science has finally achieved the impossible, undermining the most basic aspect of life: that Mind, Body, and Soul must be one, Those who benefit from this new technology will wake up to a new and youthful beginning - the rest of humankind must live a bad dream and wake up to a living nightmare that goes beyond life, beyond death, and beyond redemption.

Release Date : Jun 16, 1995

Genres : ,

Production Company : Applecreek Productions

Production Countries : United States of America, Canada

Original Language : English

Casts : Karen Duffy, Saul Rubinek, Matt McCoy, Lynne Cormack, Torri Higginson, Lazar Rockwood, Chris Makepeace, Barry Morse

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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