In 1999, Internet entrepreneur Josh Harris recruits dozens of young men and women who agree to live in underground apartments for weeks at a time while their every movement is broadcast online. Soon, Harris and his girlfriend embark on their own subterranean adventure, with cameras streaming live footage of their meals, arguments, bedroom activities, and bathroom habits. This documentary explores the role of technology in our lives, as it charts the fragile nature of dot-com economy.

Release Date : Aug 28, 2009

Genres :

Production Company : Interloper Films

Production Countries : United States of America

Original Language : English

Casts : Josh Harris, Douglas Rushkoff, Nacho Platas, Jason Calacanis, Cal Chamberlain, Leo Fernekes, Fred Wilson, Joshua White, Jess Zaino, V. Owen Bush, David Hershkovits

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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