Twelve-year-old Iwo lives in a small, post-communist town that is home to the old and destroyed Black Mill – once a place of work for many parents. Breaking the promise to not approach the old mill, the children accidentally unleash its evil powers. From that moment, nothing will ever be the same again as people and things start to disappear.

Release Date : Oct 15, 2020

Genres : ,

Production Company : Heliograf, Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury, Studio TFP, Studio Orka

Production Countries : Poland

Original Language : Polski

Casts : Iwo Wiciński, Pola Galica-Galoch, Oliwia Ogorzelska, Borys Wiciński, Mateusz Winek, Magdalena Nieć, Michał Lupa, Ireneusz Kozioł, Grażyna Bułka, Maria Ciunelis, Magdalena Różańska

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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